Messy in Fabulous Shoes

Messy in Fabulous Shoes

Friday, May 13, 2011

Comfortable in the Uncomfortable

Change is hard. Everyone knows that. That is why so many people live a life they don't want. Or wish for something they are actually afraid to go after. For a long time, I was uncomfortable in my comfortable life. I could come and go as I pleased. I had the appearance of happiness - husband, big house, great wardrobe, perfect pups, amazing career, etc. etc. But each night I cried myself to sleep because I was so unhappy. But change was scary so it took me a long time to muster the strength to do anything. As unhappy as I was, at least I knew what each day would hold. I was uncomfortable in the comfortable.

I never thought about this until an amazing person introduced me to the concept. He said, "for a long time I was uncomfortable in the comfortable. But now, I'm comfortable in the uncomfortable." Meaning, it feels good to stretch, to change, to take a risk. You may not know what the next day will bring but at least you know you are living your life on your terms. You are choosing happiness.

And that is where I am right now. And it is a great space to be in. Sure, life has gotten tougher on certain fronts (puppy care, house stuff, money, logistics, etc.) but it sure is easier not to live a lie. To be happy for the right things - love, family, friends, health.

And, of course, beautiful new shoes given to me because I am a mom of pups. I still include shoes in my happiness quotient. And there is nothing uncomfortable about these!

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