Messy in Fabulous Shoes

Messy in Fabulous Shoes

Friday, September 11, 2009

8 Years Ago

Eight years ago, I lived in Boston in a relationship that should never have happened, living a life I couldn't even recognize. It was the lowest point in my life and I wasn't sure how I was going to change it. I was lost and afraid, too proud, too deep in denial perhaps, to admit it - the loneliest and most scared I have ever been. Then my phone rang that beautiful September morning. It was my mother telling me the World Trade Center had been hit by a plane and her friend's son-in-law was in it. She was racing to her friend's house to help her pack, so she could get to NYC to be with her pregnant daughter. As so many people lost their lives, including my mom's friend's son-in-law, I realized life was too short. At that moment, I decided things would change no matter what it took.

We all have stories of that day. We all know people who were lost and none of us will ever be the same because of it. 9/11 changed all of us for different reasons. 9/11 saved my life. So many people were affected by things beyond their control, and I knew I had the power to control the choices I made. I was suddenly filled with courage and faith in the friends and family who cared about me to do what I needed to do. So I began packing, slowly, discreetly, and a month later drove to my parents house never to go back to the unhappy life I was living.

It is hard to believe 8 years have passed. Since moving back to DC I've found a career I adore, a husband who completes my life, 2 pups that make everyday brighter as well as cherished new memories with my family and friends. Everyday I thank God for granting me the opportunites I have. I know it is small, but the new life I created is my tribute to those who sacrificed so much.

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