Turning 40 is a big deal. Everybody knows it. As my big day drew near, people kept asking me what my plans were. I knew Todd and I were taking the day off and going to dinner but hadn't gotten any further than that. And my "drinking crew" girlfriends said we would celebrate at our annual cookie swap. My bestie and I were planning to do lunch at some point and I'd see my family around Christmas. Plus, we had a girls' night out planned to see the Chippenelves.
Chippenelves you ask? What's a chippenelf? A Chippenelf is a good looking man on whom you and your girlfriends can bid to be your personal butler at Ladies Night Out. Money raised goes to support CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children) and 4 of us went last year. There is food, drink, silent and live auctions. I got a little carried away last year and ended up buying the world's most expensive and hideous wreath. I was very excited to re-wrap it this year and take it back to the event so some other generous (read competitive at auctions) lady could take it home.
So last Thursday night I was dressed and ready to go! Amy had the tickets, Mindi was riding with me and our other friends were meeting at the event. Unfortunately, Stacey had a sick child so couldn't go. When I picked up Mindi she asked if we could drop something off to her husband not far from the venue. Of course! So we rolled up to a restaurant and hopped out to say hi to Jim and be on our way.
"SURPRISE!!!" What? Holy cow! I was stunned. Not only was Mindi's husband Jim in the room but so were my drinking crew friends plus husbands (no, Stacey's daughter wasn't really sick and yes Amy had cashed my CASA ticket to keep me off the surprise scent), my bestie and her husband, my parents, my friends from NC, a former colleague... you get the picture! And later, other gal pals walked in including those from Chicago and Florida. Even my CEO braved 2+ hours in the car with two of my girlfriends to be there. Open bar, great food, an amazing cake made by my friend Heather, a special hat and sash and presents!
I really had no clue this party was happening. My friends are devious liars! (in a good way) And Todd surprised me beyond anything I could imagine. I never would picture him planning a party for me. But he did. And it was perfect. And I am the luckiest 40 year old in the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Oh, and if you are wondering, the hideous wreath is going to be stored until we next year - we are SO going to see those Chippenelves next Christmas :)
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