Messy in Fabulous Shoes

Messy in Fabulous Shoes

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Letting Go

A year ago, my girlfriend Alexis came to town and helped me let go of a gazillion pairs of shoes I wasn't wearing. (Can anyone forget the Shoe Intervention?) And she inspired me to go through my clothes and purses as well, resulting in a nice little eBay business and donations to the Salvation Army.

Last year I also let go of the name I had carried for 6 years, reclaiming my maiden name. With the help of an incredibly special person, I finally tackled all of the stuff in the basement that belonged to my ex-husband. Just like the TLC show Clean Sweep, we divided into give away, trash and yard sale piles.

And then my Mom had to clean out my Grandfather's house after we let go of my Uncle Johnny too soon last year. She used the Clean Sweep method as well and my basement is full of stuff for a March yard sale. At this point, I'm ready to say everything is $1 (my yard sale partner won't, though) and whatever doesn't go Purple Heart will pick up the next day. That sale will help me let go of some financial stress for sure.

I've also been working on letting go of emotional baggage. I'm trying not to live my life by an imaginary timeline even though I feel that biological clock ticking. I continue to try and let go of judging how other people choose to live their lives... even when their decisions indirectly affect me. And everyday, I try to let go of self-doubt and mistrust. In the past, I was betrayed but that isn't happening right now so I can't live my life waiting for the other shoe to drop (forgive the pun!).

The benefits of letting go? You open your heart, life and closet to new feelings, experiences and shoes. I feel a little more confident each day. I continue to grow my hopes for the future. And as I head to shoe mecca in NYC tomorrow, you never know what new footwear will enter my life.

None of this would be possible without the incredible blessings I have in my life... namely my family and friends. I am grateful everyday for them.

So I must ask, what are you going to let go of starting today? And what gifts will you get as a result?


  1. mess...the notion of an imaginary timeline hits home...thankfully the world around us is evolving in a way that there is no longer a "normal" - a sort of antiquated notion of "what we should be doing next" that put many of our mothers and fathers and elders in a box and prevented them from digging deeper to all the inner gems i think we are so lucky as a generation to have been nurtured to explore...those of us with the ticking timelines, wrestling between the gifts of a freedom our mothers never had and giving way to the most natural human instinct there is, is something we can only do with the clarity that comes from letting here's to your weekend in nyc - no better place to go to leave something behind and to find something new - like maybe some open toed blahniks to inspire you into spring...

  2. Sunny, words were never truer and it is having people like you in my life that make the journey all the more worthwhile and the decisions easier. No matter what those decisions are. Because I have friends to support me. And a good pair of shoes to support me as well! xoxo
