When you are in your 20s, everything is new and exciting. You think you have it all figured out... then a decade or so later you realize you knew nothing then. You question if you know anything now, but you are absolutely sure you didn't know anything in your 20s! I took youth for granted. I took the fact that I didn't know any better for granted. I took friendships and relationships for granted. I figured they'd always be there.
In your 30s, the stakes are higher. You find yourself saying "I love you" to those you'd least expect it because you are desperate for them to know the difference they've made in your life. You wake up one morning and realize that life is short and you have to embrace what is working and seek out what is missing. Sometimes it is easier to live in complacency... change is tough. We all say "we want more" but how often do we actually take the risk to go after what that is? The saying is "with great risk comes great rewards" so we have to look at ourselves in the mirror and decide what we want and go after it. I remember doing that in my 20s...
Hence the return of Nine West to my closet. I didn't buy these 5 1/2 inch python platforms just because they are cute. I bought them because they are an homage to my 20s... to a time when I wasn't afraid to go after what I want. A reminder that risks can be taken - in stilettos or flip flops. I'm going after what I want. Will you?